There are times when inclement weather, such as heavy snow or freezing rain, will result in SHAPE International Schools (SIS) closing. If SIS decides that it is not safe to operate buses or proceed with classes normally on SHAPE, schools will be closed.
The following methods are used to inform families about school closures:
- AFN SHAPE (106,5 FM) radio and RTBF HT-VIVACITE (92,3 FM) will broadcast the closures between 06.30-08.00, repeating this message every 15 minutes.
- Parents can call 065/44-2000 + enter 6033 for the bus office. An automated message on their answer phone will inform you if the buses are not running.
- SHAPE2DAY website will also display school closure information.
There can be occasions when a bus could be delayed or unable to reach certain scheduled bus stops, usually resulting from heavy traffic, road work or poor weather/road conditions. If your child’s bus has not arrived within 15 minutes of the normal pickup time, you would need to make arrangements to take your child to school.
Force Protection
SHAPE American School is in session, as follows, during United States Military Force Protection Conditions ALPHA through DELTA:
ALPHA Regular School Day Schedule BRAVO Regular School Day Schedule CHARLIE Regular School Day Schedule
DELTA **** Regular School Day Schedule **** See Below
In the event that United States Military Force Protection Condition DELTA goes into effect during the school day the following school closure and evacuation plans will be carried out: School will remain in session through the remainder of the day and students will be dismissed from school at the regular time and expected to use the normally available transport systems to return to their homes.
The School Principal will work in concert with the American Community Commander, the HSG Commander and the Commander of USAG Benelux to determine whether or not there is sufficient cause to close school earlier than the regularly scheduled time. If so, students will then
be transported home using the regular bus program with parents being notified of the school closure via the military command structure and local AFN radio and television.
It is important for the parents of students attending SHAPE American Schools to remember that if US Military Force Protection Condition DELTA were invoked, only the SHAPE American Schools would be affected, and not the other national school sections that make up SHAPE International School. It is also possible that during the normal school day, the SHAPE International authorities may determine that SHAPE International School (SIS) will close. In this event, school will be dismissed using the normal bus program with parents being notified of the school closure via the military command structure and local AFN radio and television. If US Military Force Protection Condition DELTA goes into effect and the American schools are closed and/or if the SHAPE International authorities decide to close all SHAPE International Schools, the duration of the closures will be determined by the events that caused the action.
In the event that Force Protection Condition DELTA goes into effect before or after school hours, the USAG Benelux Commander, through command channels and local AFN radio and television, will announce the decision regarding the school closure. Rest assured that in the event of a school closure occurring, the decision to do so was reached as a result of close coordination and communication between the SHAPE International and American community commands.
In summary, we are in a unique position being an American Schools on a NATO base here in Europe. We have command structures on SHAPE and the USAG Benelux Command structure and the school falls under both command structure guidelines.